Get a Head Start on Head Pain

Get a Head Start on Head Pain
By Denise M.

June is Migraine and Headache Awareness month
Pretty much all of us have been sidelined by a headache at least once (and most of us, many more times than that). And they can be pretty debilitating.

The first step toward natural headache cures & relief is to figure out what kind of headache you are experiencing. This may be easier said than done as there are actually more than 150 types of headaches, including migraine, cluster, and tension-type headaches as well as secondary headaches which are caused by another medical condition such as high blood pressure or a neck injury, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. This may take some detective work on your part.

With so many types of headaches and so many potential triggers, the best way to get to the bottom of what type you have is to keep records of your headaches, including what they feel like and if they travel with other symptoms such as nausea along with what you were doing when the headache occurred. This insight can be very valuable and help you and your doctor get answers quickly.

Once you’ve got a better idea about what’s causing your headaches, you can take steps to get ahead of them. This starts with:

Choosing your headache medication carefully
While over the counter and prescription headache medications can put the brakes on most types of head pain, they do confer their risk of side effects, especially when used for the long term. You can even develop rebound or medication-overuse headaches from regular, long-term use of many headache medications. This is why there’s so much enthusiasm about natural and homeopathic headache remedies such as Forces of Nature natural headache reliefIt’s rolled directly on your forehead with an easy-to-use applicator – so it gets right to the site of your pain with no risk of systemic side effects. (It even works for hangovers.)

The natural headache cures & relief comes from the pain-reducing properties of purple iris, English lavender, and silica. Just breathing in lavender can reduce migraine pain in 15 minutes, according to a study in Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. (If you get blinding migraine headaches, Forces of Natures Natural Migraine Relief may be a better choice.)

Do your best to avoid any headache triggers, including sleep loss, stress, dehydration, and hunger.

Here’s how:

Get a good night’s sleep … every night.
Set and keep regular wake and bedtimes, even on weekends.

Don’t skip meals
You’ve probably noticed that when you skip lunch, your head is pounding by late afternoon. Eat regular meals every day to keep your blood sugar or glucose levels stable and avoid headaches, states the National Headache Foundation.

Stay hydrated
Make sure to drink enough water every day as even mild dehydration can cause or worsen your headaches. Be proactive: if you are thirsty, it’s already too late. Carry a water bottle with you at all times, the American Migraine Foundation suggests.

Stress is everywhere, and while you can’t get rid of it altogether, you can change how you cope with it, so it doesn’t hit you quite as hard. Find something that takes the edge off for you and practice it every day. This can be as simple as taking deep breaths or going for a walk.

If your headaches are getting worse not better, and are associated with confusion, fever, or other symptoms, check in with your doctor to find out what is going on.


National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke: “Headache Information Page”

Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine: “Lavender and the Nervous System”

National Headache Foundation: “The Fasting Headache”

American Migraine Foundation: “Top 10 Migraine Triggers and How to Deal with Them.”

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