Homeopathic Remedies for Stress: 9 Options to Consider

Woman happy and calm without stress
By Dr. Peter Klapper Ph.D.

Stress is unavoidable. You've probably experienced it at one time or another. However, that isn't to say that you should accept stress when it happens. Stress can significantly affect your overall health. It can trigger headaches, muscle tension, anxiety, and restlessness. When left unmanaged, it can lead to chronic diseases and behavioral disorders.
If you feel stressed frequently, it's worth looking at different methods to stay calm. One of these methods is homeopathy, an alternative medical system that relies on the body to cure itself using natural substances. You can use homeopathy as a holistic approach to stress or anxiety management.

This blog will guide you in choosing the best homeopathic remedies and other natural stress management methods and learning about the many benefits of homeopathy.

Homeopathic Remedies for Stress
Stress can lead to drastic and irreversible consequences when unmanaged. As such, it's important to treat it as early as possible. Below are some homeopathic remedies for stress.

1. Allium sativum Common name: Garlic
Since ancient times, people have used allium sativum or garlic to treat hypertension, high blood pressure, infections, tense muscles, snakebites, and blood clots. Homeopathic doctors also recommend this remedy for stress because of its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties, among other benefits.

2. Avena sativa Common name: Oat
Every part of the avena sativa plant offers many health benefits. For instance, its beta-glucan fiber content helps reduce fatigue, headaches, and other anxiety symptoms. Its oat extracts can also improve memory, attention, and mood. Generally, avena sativa can treat stress, headaches, and nervous exhaustion

3. Angelica Common name: Angelica
Homeopathic doctors recommend angelica for relieving nervousness and tension associated with stress and anxiety. It's also a traditional remedy for insomnia, heartburn, appetite loss, arthritis, and circulation problems. When applied topically, angelica can treat nerve and joint pain and skin disorders.

4. Coffea cruda Common name: Green coffee
Coffea cruda is from unroasted green coffee beans. Since coffee naturally boosts energy levels and triggers nervousness, its use in homeopathy includes treating stress-related symptoms like overstimulation or mental hyperactivity. That is based on the principle of "like cures like."
Past studies have also shown that coffea cruda helps relieve headaches with sleeplessness and sensitivity to noise, light, and contact.

5. Ocimum Common name: Holy basil
India's ancient medical system Ayurveda considers ocimum sanctum an anti stress remedy. It's famous for treating mental and nervous disorders, decreasing adrenaline, and increasing serotonin levels in the brain.
Researchers have also found that another variant of ocimum called ocimum tenuiflorum, commonly known as tulsi or holy basil, can address physical, chemical, metabolic, and psychological stress. It can normalize blood pressure, glucose, and lipid levels while improving memory and the brain's cognitive function.

6. Passiflora incarnata Common name: Wild maracuja
Also called wild maracuja, bush passion fruit, or wild water lemon, passiflora incarnata is a plant commonly used in traditional Brazilian medicine as a mild sedative and antidepressant. Past studies have also shown that this remedy can reduce stress, improve motor activity, and manage sleep disorders, memory loss, and degenerative brain diseases.

7. Scutellaria lateriflora Common name: Blue skullcap
Scutellaria lateriflora is popular in North America for treating anxiety, nervous tension, convulsions, and headaches. Homeopaths use its leaves to produce antioxidant effects and protect against Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, anxiety, and depression, among other neurological disorders.
Its Chinese variant, scutellaria baicalensis, can also treat headaches, inflammation, and allergies. Studies say it can also reduce symptoms of diabetes and hypertension.

8. Verbena Common name: Verbena
The verbena plant has long been used for sore throats, respiratory tract diseases like asthma and cough, and heart conditions like chest pain. In stress management, it treats exhaustion, nervous disorders, and spasms. It's also instrumental in reducing symptoms of menopause and irregular menstruation.

9. Piper methysticum Common name: Kava
Piper methysticum or kava is a shrub of large leaves that grows in the South Pacific Islands, traditionally used as an anxiolytic and sedative. It calms agitated people from mental overactivity and generally treats anxiety and stress. Its psychomotor effects are the reason it was one of the first herbal medications in anesthetics.

Other Natural Treatments for Stress
Aside from the homeopathic remedies above, you can manage stress in many other natural ways. Below are some tips you can try.

Actively moving your body can boost its production of feel-good neurotransmitters called endorphins, protect you from the harmful effects of stress, and improve your mood. The good thing is that you're not limited to one form of exercise. You can go on a simple walk or jog, do sports, or follow different workout routines.

Consult your homeopathic doctor to know which exercise routine can help you manage stress. Ensure you also do what you love for you to have a pleasant time.

Meditation and relaxation exercises
If you don't want to exercise, consider meditating instead to focus your attention, compose your thoughts, and remove yourself from stressful situations. You can do breathing exercises, repeat mantras, pray, or read a book. Whatever meditation method you use should help you relax and regulate your emotions.

Sufficient sleep
Adults with fewer than eight hours of sleep a night experience higher stress levels than those who get at least eight hours of shuteye. Lack of sleep also causes people to feel sluggish or lazy (53%), irritable (38%), and unmotivated to fulfill responsibilities (25%). That said, ensure you sleep enough to feel productive and refreshed daily.

Herbal teas
Herbal tea flavors such as lavender and chamomile contain anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral, and antibacterial compounds that can reduce stress levels and lengthen your life span. Drink no more than three to four cups of tea daily to enjoy its benefits and avoid side effects such as reduced iron absorption, increased stress, nausea, and heartburn.

Ancient civilizations used aromatherapy to treat their minds and bodies holistically. It involves inhaling essential oils to relax, fall asleep, improve mood, and reduce heart rate and blood pressure. Some of the best essential oils for stress relief are clary sage, ylang-ylang, lavender, chamomile, and sandalwood.

Live Stress-Free with Homeopathy
Everybody responds to stress in different ways. Some people binge-eat, smoke or drink alcohol, or simply shut their bodies down. Fortunately, you can turn to natural methods like homeopathy for stress management.

If you're ready to treat your stress levels naturally, look no further than Forces of Nature for effective homeopathic remedies. Our products are registered with the FDA to ensure you get the best treatments for various conditions. Browse our catalog of homeopathic remedies for stress today!

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